March 16, 2024

As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above

As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above

In many ways, the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves in myths, religion, and history - are blueprints for our human lives. But the converse is also true - how we see ourselves, our attitudes, behaviors, and who holds power - in turn shape our ...

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Subject To Power

In many ways, the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves in myths, religion, and history - are blueprints for our human lives. But the converse is also true - how we see ourselves, our attitudes, behaviors, and who holds power - in turn shape our stories. In Western culture, there is no story as powerfully influential as that of Greeks. 

Historical researcher Max Dashu has spent decades looking for the women in our stories, across the timespan of human history. Collecting visual evidence of women’s lives from cultures all over the globe, she has amassed a vast visual archive of female iconography and scholarship.

In this episode we talk about Dashu’s most recent research project, Women in Greek Mythography - a deep dive into the major female figures of Greek myth, their surprising pre-Greek origin stories, and what the highly patriarchal Greek myths, art and history reveal about how Greek women of the times may have lived, and how it affects all of us today.

As Dashu reflects, “when you think about these stories being told and sung and acted out in dramas, and through all the arts, pottery, weaving, architecture and sculpture, everywhere you look you have an enactment of this culture of domination. What kind of effect does that have on a female psyche?”

#Patriarchy #History #GreekMyth 

Max Dashu’s work

Suppressed Histories Archives

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Veleda Press

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Host: Elle Kamihira

Produced by Elle Kamihira

Audio Engineering by Jason Sheesley at Abridged Audio

Cover Art by Bee Johnson

Music by Beware of Darkness 

Max Dashu Profile Photo

Max Dashu

Research Scholar & Founder of Suppressed Histories Archives

Max Dashu founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in 1970 to research and document global women's history. She teaches with images from her collection of some 50,000 pictures, on female cultural heritages across time and space. She is internationally known for her expertise on iconography, matricultures, patriarchy and systems of domination; medicine women, shamans, witches, and the witch hunts. She is the author of Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Culture, 700-1100 (Veleda Press, 2016) and Women in Greek Mythography: Pythias, Melissae and Titanides (2023).