Oct. 10, 2024

They Called Us Witches

In the midst of The Enlightenment, when men in the West hailed reason and rationalism, and aspired towards lofty ideals such as liberty, equality and religious tolerance - another darker social phenomenon was taking place. Ov...
June 30, 2024

Mapping The Murder Of Women

The prevalence of murder of women by men, across the world, is beyond dispute. The phenomenon - the murder of women because they are women - has become such a fixture of human life that it has acquired a name: femicide, or fe...
April 28, 2024

A Worldwide Gauntlet

No status puts a woman at greater vulnerability than that of being a migrant or refugee. Anna Zobnina is a Strategy and Executive Director at European Network of Migrant Women, and she knows first-hand the realities and complex challenges that migra...
Guest: Anna Zobnina
Jan. 7, 2024

What On Earth Is Peace?

In her recent book Femicide in War and Peace, Israeli anthropologist and femicide expert Shalva Weil says that “the dividing line between femicide in wartime and peacetime is very thin.” Trigger warning: that fact is the subject of this episode.  Whi...
Guest: Shalva Weil
Sept. 13, 2023

No Country For Women

For most of us who end up in feminism, who end up actively fighting for women’s rights - the consciousness that brought us here - came at a steep price. Some of us got shocked into it, some of us went through a series of painful awakenings that force...
Guest: Andreia Nobre
May 9, 2023

Who To Believe!

Is our justice system in the business of determining what is true or false? Do our courts really determine who is guilty or innocent? Does our criminal justice system punish those who violate, and protect and restore the rights of the violated? As a ...