Feb. 13, 2025

The World Is My Brothel

Prostitution cannot be contained in one small corner of the culture. Once we accept and endorse the sale of women for men’s sexual use and abuse, the ideas and practices of prostitution bleeds into all layers of society. Germ...
Guest: Elly Arrow
Nov. 2, 2024

Buy One, Buy All

The institution of prostitution has received a re-branding in recent times, appropriating terms from labor and the corporate world such as “sex work”, “full-service”, “clients”, “sex workers” “doing bookings” arranged by “man...
Guest: Andrea Heinz
April 28, 2024

A Worldwide Gauntlet

No status puts a woman at greater vulnerability than that of being a migrant or refugee. Anna Zobnina is a Strategy and Executive Director at European Network of Migrant Women, and she knows first-hand the realities and complex challenges that migra...
Guest: Anna Zobnina
Feb. 20, 2024

A Strange Exchange

In her new book Body Shell Girl, poet and sex trade survivor Rose Hunter brings us into the strange theater that takes place between sex buyers and prostitutes when money is exchanged for various sex acts. Describing the everyday reality of her ten y...
Guest: Rose Hunter
Nov. 29, 2023

Unwanted Sex

The sexual exploitation industries have been extremely successful in penetrating (pun intended) every layer of society - and like Gail Dines calls it - “pornifying our culture”. But amid full decriminalization of prostitution, the rise of OnlyFans an...
Guest: Mia Döring
May 22, 2023

Porn Is A Battlefield

For many of us, pornography seems like an inevitable fact of life. Internet porn use is so widespread, so normalized, so uncontroversial - that it’s controversial to be critical of pornography. But, as Dr. Gail Dines says, questioning what IS - is in...
Guest: Gail Dines
March 14, 2023

The Hellscape Files

We know that our sexuality is central and significant to our human existence - it is a complex package of functions - biological surely, but also it allows us crucial intimate connection with other human beings, it is a powerful regulator and stress ...
Feb. 14, 2023

Hearts Raging

We are in our 6th millennia of patriarchy, and as this episode’s guest Susan Hawthorne puts it, “the publicity program for patriarchy has been going for some 5,000 years”. As a poet, author and founder of the feminist publishing house Spinifex Press,...
Jan. 31, 2023

Orgasm At Any Cost

If we were to devise a mechanism by which male power writ large can reach the innermost center of female power - and maim or destroy it - it would look like the internet-fueled sexual exploitation industries that are now in full bloom. If we were to ...
Guest: Robert Jensen