Feb. 13, 2025

The World Is My Brothel

Prostitution cannot be contained in one small corner of the culture. Once we accept and endorse the sale of women for men’s sexual use and abuse, the ideas and practices of prostitution bleeds into all layers of society. Germ...
Guest: Elly Arrow
Sept. 27, 2023

Back From The Brink

Even in this period of perpetual war between men across the world - at no time in history did the contest for world domination reach as dangerous a moment as it did during the nuclear arms race of the Cold War. Male leaders in what was then The USSR ...
Guest: Ann Pettitt
Sept. 13, 2023

No Country For Women

For most of us who end up in feminism, who end up actively fighting for women’s rights - the consciousness that brought us here - came at a steep price. Some of us got shocked into it, some of us went through a series of painful awakenings that force...
Guest: Andreia Nobre
June 21, 2023

Third Wave Riptide

If patriarchy is our default system - radical feminism is the only system of thinking and action that challenges the status quo of male domination. The only analysis that looks at our current world from women’s point of view and with women's interest...
Guest: Meghan Murphy
May 9, 2023

Who To Believe!

Is our justice system in the business of determining what is true or false? Do our courts really determine who is guilty or innocent? Does our criminal justice system punish those who violate, and protect and restore the rights of the violated? As a ...
April 11, 2023

The Mother Line

We may believe that violent patriarchy is an inevitable reality, that our current world culture simply is a result of our immutable human nature. A human nature that is in a constant and brutal competition for limited resources, in which only the mos...
March 14, 2023

The Hellscape Files

We know that our sexuality is central and significant to our human existence - it is a complex package of functions - biological surely, but also it allows us crucial intimate connection with other human beings, it is a powerful regulator and stress ...