Nov. 2, 2024

Buy One, Buy All

The institution of prostitution has received a re-branding in recent times, appropriating terms from labor and the corporate world such as “sex work”, “full-service”, “clients”, “sex workers” “doing bookings” arranged by “man...
Guest: Andrea Heinz
Sept. 18, 2024

We Are The Donkeys Here

Motherhood, in our Western culture, is full of contradictions. On the one hand, mothers perform an essential task: creating and nurturing new human life. On the other, the status of mothers is that of general servitude to the...
July 31, 2024

Engineers In Our Garden

Science and technology is a synonym for progress. It is always considered a step forward, an improvement of our lives, a promise of new possibilities. A promise of a future that will necessarily contain more and better scienc...
June 30, 2024

Mapping The Murder Of Women

The prevalence of murder of women by men, across the world, is beyond dispute. The phenomenon - the murder of women because they are women - has become such a fixture of human life that it has acquired a name: femicide, or fe...
Nov. 29, 2023

Unwanted Sex

The sexual exploitation industries have been extremely successful in penetrating (pun intended) every layer of society - and like Gail Dines calls it - “pornifying our culture”. But amid full decriminalization of prostitution, the rise of OnlyFans an...
Guest: Mia Döring
Nov. 1, 2023

The Great Overwelm

Our language - profane, sublime and everything in between - holds hidden truths about our cultural heritage, our current reality, and who determines it - and etymology, the study of the origins of words, can unlock this knowledge.  Jane Caputi has sp...
Guest: Jane Caputi
Aug. 30, 2023

Old Tricks, New Tricks & The Same Tricks

There is no issue where the distance between the idea - and the lived reality - is as far apart as in prostitution. The discourse about prostitution often takes place miles away from the thing itself, and is had by people far removed from the violenc...
Guest: Cherry Smiley
July 15, 2023

Summer Thoughts

A huge thank you to everyone who is listening, subscribing, sharing and engaging with Subject To Power. We are 20 episodes in and wrapping up Season 1 with immense gratitude and a few reflections by host Elle Kamihira, as well as a bit about what we ...
Feb. 28, 2023

My Baby, My Baby

The battle for control of reproduction is as old as time, and since women alone have the power to create new life, women’s bodies continue to be the de facto battlefield for that power struggle.   Political, economical, and social means have been use...
Guest: Renate Klein
Feb. 14, 2023

Hearts Raging

We are in our 6th millennia of patriarchy, and as this episode’s guest Susan Hawthorne puts it, “the publicity program for patriarchy has been going for some 5,000 years”. As a poet, author and founder of the feminist publishing house Spinifex Press,...
Jan. 31, 2023

Orgasm At Any Cost

If we were to devise a mechanism by which male power writ large can reach the innermost center of female power - and maim or destroy it - it would look like the internet-fueled sexual exploitation industries that are now in full bloom. If we were to ...
Guest: Robert Jensen
Jan. 17, 2023

The Girls Work

What happens in the course of our childhood that shapes girls and boys so differently? Why do men and women end up with such vastly different psychologies and moralities? Those are questions Carol Gilligan has grappled with since she exploded into th...
Dec. 19, 2022

Covert Operations

We may think of military and war as strictly male pursuits - but governments and militaries all over the world spend a lot of man-hours strategizing about the different kinds of women they need to control to do the war-waging, as well as in preparat...
Guest: Cynthia Enloe
Nov. 1, 2022

Endless Enclosures

For women and girls, studying history rarely gives us the answers we seek about how we arrived here. Official history is written by men about men, about male projects, enterprise and progress, and women are all but footnotes. Elle speaks with author and ...