Feb. 13, 2025

The World Is My Brothel

Prostitution cannot be contained in one small corner of the culture. Once we accept and endorse the sale of women for men’s sexual use and abuse, the ideas and practices of prostitution bleeds into all layers of society. Germ...
Guest: Elly Arrow
Jan. 16, 2025

Good Girls No More

As a woman, you can roll along with the assumption that your body belongs to you and you alone. That you are an autonomous human being like everyone else. But then your fertility, your baby-making capacity comes into view and...
Guest: Milli Hill
Dec. 17, 2024

How To Build A Good Human

What makes a good human? We receive prescriptions for virtuous morality from all manner of religions, philosophies, and intellectual traditions - but is human morality something that is taught and learned? Guest on today’s ep...
Nov. 23, 2024

Uncontainable Trauma

As new wars emerge across the world, wars that ended decades ago are still destroying the societies that waged them. Guest on today’s episode, Olivera Simić, came of age in the intrastate war that broke apart her country of ...
Nov. 2, 2024

Buy One, Buy All

The institution of prostitution has received a re-branding in recent times, appropriating terms from labor and the corporate world such as “sex work”, “full-service”, “clients”, “sex workers” “doing bookings” arranged by “man...
Guest: Andrea Heinz
Oct. 10, 2024

They Called Us Witches

In the midst of The Enlightenment, when men in the West hailed reason and rationalism, and aspired towards lofty ideals such as liberty, equality and religious tolerance - another darker social phenomenon was taking place. Ov...
Sept. 18, 2024

We Are The Donkeys Here

Motherhood, in our Western culture, is full of contradictions. On the one hand, mothers perform an essential task: creating and nurturing new human life. On the other, the status of mothers is that of general servitude to the...
July 31, 2024

Engineers In Our Garden

Science and technology is a synonym for progress. It is always considered a step forward, an improvement of our lives, a promise of new possibilities. A promise of a future that will necessarily contain more and better scienc...
June 30, 2024

Mapping The Murder Of Women

The prevalence of murder of women by men, across the world, is beyond dispute. The phenomenon - the murder of women because they are women - has become such a fixture of human life that it has acquired a name: femicide, or fe...
June 9, 2024

Our Hidden Blueprint

Our economic institutions - capitalism, trade, money, the market - are based on one fundamental principle: Quid Pro Quo. Something For Something. It is said that these systems sprung out of the age-old human tradition of trade, of exchange. That huma...
May 20, 2024

Tending To Our Brothers

“Men don’t fall from trees - they subscribe to societal messages, they follow rules,” says Dr. Shahieda Jansen, clinical psychologist, scholar in masculinities, and author of Masculinity Meets Humanity: An Adapted Model of Masculinized Psychotherapy....
April 28, 2024

A Worldwide Gauntlet

No status puts a woman at greater vulnerability than that of being a migrant or refugee. Anna Zobnina is a Strategy and Executive Director at European Network of Migrant Women, and she knows first-hand the realities and complex challenges that migra...
Guest: Anna Zobnina
April 2, 2024

Lures and Traps

If we think of patriarchy as a living, breathing, constantly evolving strategy that finds its expression at all levels of society - socially, economically, politically - its job number one is to control women - and thereby reproduction.  Patriarchal ...
March 16, 2024

As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above

In many ways, the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves in myths, religion, and history - are blueprints for our human lives. But the converse is also true - how we see ourselves, our attitudes, behaviors, and who holds power - in turn shape our ...
Guest: Max Dashu
Feb. 20, 2024

A Strange Exchange

In her new book Body Shell Girl, poet and sex trade survivor Rose Hunter brings us into the strange theater that takes place between sex buyers and prostitutes when money is exchanged for various sex acts. Describing the everyday reality of her ten y...
Guest: Rose Hunter
Jan. 30, 2024

Our Brutal Fathers

How did patriarchy first begin? The answers to that question are many and varied, and most often tries to explain it by one single factor - Agriculture! Private property! Men are stronger! But - the history of patriarchal development is a lot more co...
Jan. 7, 2024

What On Earth Is Peace?

In her recent book Femicide in War and Peace, Israeli anthropologist and femicide expert Shalva Weil says that “the dividing line between femicide in wartime and peacetime is very thin.” Trigger warning: that fact is the subject of this episode.  Whi...
Guest: Shalva Weil
Dec. 12, 2023

Forever In Our Feelings

In trying to explain inequality between the sexes - we often arrive at the idea that women inhabit the emotional realm, and that men inhabit the thinking realm - and in the hierarchy of realms, thinking is considered superior. In this episode, trauma...
Nov. 29, 2023

Unwanted Sex

The sexual exploitation industries have been extremely successful in penetrating (pun intended) every layer of society - and like Gail Dines calls it - “pornifying our culture”. But amid full decriminalization of prostitution, the rise of OnlyFans an...
Guest: Mia Döring
Nov. 16, 2023

Systems of Peace

Since it was published in 1987, Riane Eisler’s groundbreaking international bestseller The Chalice And The Blade has launched a full frontal challenge to the conventional story of our cultural origins - and has given us a brand new way to think about...
Guest: Riane Eisler
Nov. 1, 2023

The Great Overwelm

Our language - profane, sublime and everything in between - holds hidden truths about our cultural heritage, our current reality, and who determines it - and etymology, the study of the origins of words, can unlock this knowledge.  Jane Caputi has sp...
Guest: Jane Caputi
Oct. 11, 2023

The Mothers Of Invention

With a steady stream of new research coming to light, it is becoming clear that the version of Western history we are taught in school - has a thick layer of patriarchal myth-making. Heide Goettner-Abendroth has spent her whole life studying what thi...
Sept. 27, 2023

Back From The Brink

Even in this period of perpetual war between men across the world - at no time in history did the contest for world domination reach as dangerous a moment as it did during the nuclear arms race of the Cold War. Male leaders in what was then The USSR ...
Guest: Ann Pettitt
Sept. 13, 2023

No Country For Women

For most of us who end up in feminism, who end up actively fighting for women’s rights - the consciousness that brought us here - came at a steep price. Some of us got shocked into it, some of us went through a series of painful awakenings that force...
Guest: Andreia Nobre