June 21, 2023

Third Wave Riptide

If patriarchy is our default system - radical feminism is the only system of thinking and action that challenges the status quo of male domination. The only analysis that looks at our current world from women’s point of view and with women's interest...
Guest: Meghan Murphy
June 7, 2023

Our Living Energies

When we talk about rights and freedoms it is often in political, economic, and gender-less human rights terms. The conversation is often dualistic - taking place on the right/left divide or the black/white divide, or the south/north divide or the ric...
May 22, 2023

Porn Is A Battlefield

For many of us, pornography seems like an inevitable fact of life. Internet porn use is so widespread, so normalized, so uncontroversial - that it’s controversial to be critical of pornography. But, as Dr. Gail Dines says, questioning what IS - is in...
Guest: Gail Dines
May 9, 2023

Who To Believe!

Is our justice system in the business of determining what is true or false? Do our courts really determine who is guilty or innocent? Does our criminal justice system punish those who violate, and protect and restore the rights of the violated? As a ...
April 25, 2023

The Peacebuilders

Many scholars who study the evolution of humanity - sociologists, anthropologists, biologists - have come to the conclusion that we, all of us, would not have survived, let alone have evolved into the complex, resilient and innovative species that we...
April 11, 2023

The Mother Line

We may believe that violent patriarchy is an inevitable reality, that our current world culture simply is a result of our immutable human nature. A human nature that is in a constant and brutal competition for limited resources, in which only the mos...
March 29, 2023

Finding Our Goddesses

Every major religion in the world today features a male deity. Or as Miriam Robbins Dexter puts it: “Man was created in God's image and woman wasn't.”  How does it affect women of the world - that we have no major religious symbols that reflect the f...
March 14, 2023

The Hellscape Files

We know that our sexuality is central and significant to our human existence - it is a complex package of functions - biological surely, but also it allows us crucial intimate connection with other human beings, it is a powerful regulator and stress ...
Feb. 28, 2023

My Baby, My Baby

The battle for control of reproduction is as old as time, and since women alone have the power to create new life, women’s bodies continue to be the de facto battlefield for that power struggle.   Political, economical, and social means have been use...
Guest: Renate Klein
Feb. 14, 2023

Hearts Raging

We are in our 6th millennia of patriarchy, and as this episode’s guest Susan Hawthorne puts it, “the publicity program for patriarchy has been going for some 5,000 years”. As a poet, author and founder of the feminist publishing house Spinifex Press,...
Jan. 31, 2023

Orgasm At Any Cost

If we were to devise a mechanism by which male power writ large can reach the innermost center of female power - and maim or destroy it - it would look like the internet-fueled sexual exploitation industries that are now in full bloom. If we were to ...
Guest: Robert Jensen
Jan. 17, 2023

The Girls Work

What happens in the course of our childhood that shapes girls and boys so differently? Why do men and women end up with such vastly different psychologies and moralities? Those are questions Carol Gilligan has grappled with since she exploded into th...
Jan. 3, 2023

Shakespeare’s Murderers

Centuries before psychoanalysis was born, William Shakespeare was analyzing the root causes of male violence and giving detailed, intimate, almost microscopic second-to-second descriptions of what goes on in the minds and hearts of violent men.    Wh...
Dec. 19, 2022

Covert Operations

We may think of military and war as strictly male pursuits - but governments and militaries all over the world spend a lot of man-hours strategizing about the different kinds of women they need to control to do the war-waging, as well as in preparat...
Guest: Cynthia Enloe
Dec. 5, 2022

Unnatural Authority

If we ask what the key instruments are, by which male power and control is maintained - family court is right at the top of the list. As an institution, family court operates in near-total secrecy, cloaked in privacy laws, and with no independent ove...
Guest: Grant Wyeth
Nov. 21, 2022

Resource Extraction

Revolutionary advancements in biotechnologies has created a massive industry known as 'third-party reproduction' which has moved the process of procreation out of the domain of womanhood and into the hands of medicine and commerce. Women, or their eg...
Guest: Jennifer Lahl
Nov. 10, 2022

Sex, Lies & Lies About Sex

Women always face conflicting cultural narratives in which our sex plays a central role, and much of the time the rhetoric in the foreground is there to cover up a very different reality in the background.  In this episode Elle jumps into three hotbe...
Nov. 1, 2022

Endless Enclosures

For women and girls, studying history rarely gives us the answers we seek about how we arrived here. Official history is written by men about men, about male projects, enterprise and progress, and women are all but footnotes. Elle speaks with author and ...
Oct. 19, 2022

The Oldest Trauma

What if misogyny is not the hatred of women - but a phobia? What if patriarchy is not a power structure - but a pathology? And what if we could trace these twin phenomena back to their point of origin like we can trace the eruption and evolution of a vir...
Oct. 13, 2022

The Oldest Tyranny

Despite great social diversity across the planet, it is an observable fact that males subordinates females across almost all human cultures. Elle speaks with securities scholar Dr. Valerie Hudson about how this ancient sexual order came to be, the role m...