Anna Zobnina Profile Photo

Strategy & Executive Director of European Network of Migrant Women

Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, Anna is the Strategy & Policy Coordinator of the European Network of Migrant Women (ENOMW)- a pan European migrant women led feminist platform that advocates for the rights and freedom of migrant and refugee women and girls in Europe. She has over 15 years of experience in the area of feminist analysis of violence & discrimination against women, with the focus on migrant women, sexual exploitation and domestic work. She is a former Research Analyst with Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, a selected expert with European Institute for Gender Equality and currently is a member of executive committee of European Women’s Lobby. She served as ENOMW chair in 2014-2017 and currently works on capacity building of ENOMW, strategic advocacy and inclusion of migrant women in the EU decision-making.

April 28, 2024

A Worldwide Gauntlet

No status puts a woman at greater vulnerability than that of being a migrant or refugee. Anna Zobnina is a Strategy and Executive Director at European Network of Migrant Women, and she knows first-hand the realities and complex challenges that migra...
Guest: Anna Zobnina