Gail Dines Profile Photo

Sociologist, Author & Founder of Culture Reframed

Dr. Gail Dines, a Professor Emerita of Sociology, has been researching and writing about the porn industry for well over thirty years. She is a recipient of the Myers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights in North America, and author of numerous books and articles. Her latest book, Pornland:How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, has been translated into five languages. Dr Dines is the founding president and CEO of the non-profit, Culture Reframed.

Dedicated to building resilience and resistance in children and youth to the harms of a hypersexualized and pornified society, Culture Reframed develops cutting-edge educational programs that promote healthy development, relationships, and sexuality. Dr. Dines has consulted for government bodies in the US, Brazil, UK, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Colombia, and Canada.

May 22, 2023

Porn Is A Battlefield

For many of us, pornography seems like an inevitable fact of life. Internet porn use is so widespread, so normalized, so uncontroversial - that it’s controversial to be critical of pornography. But, as Dr. Gail Dines says, questioning what IS - is in...
Guest: Gail Dines