Kajsa Ekis Ekman Profile Photo

Journalist, Author & Lecturer

Kajsa Ekis Ekman is a Swedish author and journalist who writes on topics including capitalism, geopolitics, Latin America and Greece, surrogacy, adoption, prostitution and economic crises for a variety of Swedish and international publications. Kajsa is the author of several books, all translated into multiple languages - Being and Being Bought: Prostitution, Surrogacy and the Split Self, Stolen Spring: The Euro-Crisis Seen From Athens, On he Meaning of Sex: Thoughts on the New Definition of Woman.

Kajsa lectures internationally on prostitution, surrogacy, capitalism and women's rights and is the Chief Editor of Arbetarbloggen, an online forum for Swedish workers.

Nov. 10, 2022

Sex, Lies & Lies About Sex

Women always face conflicting cultural narratives in which our sex plays a central role, and much of the time the rhetoric in the foreground is there to cover up a very different reality in the background.  In this episode …