Mariam Tazi-Preve Profile Photo

Political Scientist & Author of Motherhood In Patriarchy

Mariam Tazi-Preve has a Phd in Political Science, with additional specialties in Women’s Studies and Romanistics from the University of Innsbruck. Mariam’s scientific focus is Politics and Reproduction, Motherhood, Fatherhood, Family and Population Policies, European Welfare State, Gender and Political Theory, Theory on Civilization and Women in Islam.

A lecturer at University of Central Florida; and formerly a professor at University of New Orleans, Mariam Tazi-Preve holds long term appointments at research institutions in Austria.

Mariam Tazi-Preve is co-author and editor of several books; Familienpolitik – nationale und internationale Perspektiven (Family Policies – National and International Perspectives) (2009), Väter im Abseits (Fathers Aside) (2007), and Mutterschaft im Patriarchat (Motherhood in Patriarchy) (2004, 2014). Mariam’s most recent book is The End of the Nuclear Family: Capitalism, Love and the State (in German 2018) which will soon be available in English. In addition, Mariam has published numerous articles and co-founded the online Journal Boomerang: Journal of Critique on Patriarchy.

Sept. 18, 2024

We Are The Donkeys Here

Motherhood, in our Western culture, is full of contradictions. On the one hand, mothers perform an essential task: creating and nurturing new human life. On the other, the status of mothers is that of general servitude to the...