Renate Klein Profile Photo

Biologist & Sociologist

Dr. Renate Klein is a Swiss-Australian radical feminist biologist and sociologist. She has researched and critiqued patriarchal science since the 1980s in relation to women’s biology, specifically in areas of reproduction including contraceptive and reproductive technologies and surrogacy. She has been a women’s health activist and Professor of Women’s Studies for many years, and is a member of international and national feminist networks such as FINRRAGE, Stop Surrogacy Now and ICAMS that are trying to abolish reproductive prostitution and oppose regulation of women- and children-hating practices. With Susan Hawthorne she founded Spinifex Press in 1991. Her book on surrogacy is published in both English and German. Surrogacy: A Human Rights Violation (2017/2022)

Feb. 28, 2023

My Baby, My Baby

The battle for control of reproduction is as old as time, and since women alone have the power to create new life, women’s bodies continue to be the de facto battlefield for that power struggle.   Political, economical, and social means have been use...
Guest: Renate Klein